miss my navigation exercise..:( ~~by hisham

i really2 miss this moment..went back to my hometown..hilang sket homesick aku ni..pic2 kat bawah ni aku just mutual benjamin n as his present for me sempena birthday aku..huhu..tgk mak n ayah dr atas pon dah cukup..

 checking out the weather..
 haha..bosan kot duk teman je,,gile2 kejap
 ni laa benjamin chua..:) thanks buddy
 kijal kemaman terengganu!!!:P
 my hometown..___view from bukit kijal..
 ni pic yg d ambil oleh kakak aku..aku ingt nk je langgar bot2 tu..haha
amacam??burung besi tu..---pic was took by ma sis..


Zuwairi said...

wowowowow! bestnya.. siriyes best ni.. cita2 ku yg tak kesampaian

HiSHaM NaZiR said...

x de pape laa..nanti2 ade nye rezeki..peluang ade..tp lubang je susah sket..hehe

Anonymous said...

laen macam komen kome tu danny..hehe..
dlu mati2 ak x percaya ko dpt kan..
wei..ak nak blik KT malam ni..ada masa dtg jumpa aku kat hospital..hehehe